Monterey Bay Online Menus
Online Menus of Monterey Bay Restaurants and Eateries
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Chef Lee's #2 - Mandarin House
1616 North Main St.
Salinas, CA. 93906
Tel: (831) 442-3385
(831) 442-3386
Fax: (831) 442-3370
Business Hours:
Open 7 days a week

Tel: (831) 442-3385 (831) 442-3386 Fax: (831) 442-3370

Tel: (831) 442-3385 (831) 442-3386 Fax: (831) 442-3370

Tel: (831) 442-3385 (831) 442-3386 Fax: (831) 442-3370

Tel: (831) 442-3385 (831) 442-3386 Fax: (831) 442-3370

Tel: (831) 442-3385 (831) 442-3386 Fax: (831) 442-3370

Tel: (831) 442-3385 (831) 442-3386 Fax: (831) 442-3370
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